Although Google Chromebooks are becoming more and more popular, most people still use the iPhone as the primary device. That could be mainly because of portability, features, and ease of access. Unfortunately, that brings an incompatibility gap between these two distinct ecosystems – Google and Apple.
This article will try and bridge this gap by looking at how we can install the Apple iTunes on the Google Chromebook. I will give you a step-by-step guide and even how to create an iTunes Desktop shortcut for ease of access.
Install iTunes on a Chromebook
To give a brief overview of installing iTunes on Chromebook, we will use the Linux (Beta) feature that enables users to develop software and apps with Chromebook. We will install the Wine application that supports running Windows apps on Linux. Once we have the Wine container setup, we can install the iTunes version of Windows here. Let’s get started.
1. Activate the Linux (Beta) feature on Chromebook. To do so, open the Settings app and click on the Linux (Beta) tab. You should see the ‘Turn On’ button to enable Linux on Chromebook. You can read our detailed guide on installing and configuring Linux Apps on Chrome OS.

Linux (Beta)
Once you have the Linux (Beta) feature activated, you should see the Linux Terminal window open. Alternatively, you can launch it from the applications menu.

Linux Terminal
2. Now, we need to install Wine on Chromebook. First, update all system packages with the command below.
sudo apt-get update
Once done, execute the command below to download and install Wine.
sudo apt-get install Wine

Install Wine on Chromebook
Now that we have Wine installed let’s enable support for 32-bit applications. Execute the commands below one by one in order.
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 sudo apt update sudo apt-get install wine32

Enable 32-bit Support
3. Once Wine is completely set up, we need to download the iTunes Windows setup. The 64-bit version seems incompatible as it opens into a black window. Download the 32-bit version here.
Move the downloaded file to the Linux files directory. Rename it to something memorable like ‘iTunesSetup.exe.’

iTunes Setup file
4. Now, let’s install iTunes. Execute the command below, replacing ‘your-user-name‘ with the actual username of your Chromebook. Here, we refer to the username you entered while enabling the Linux (beta) feature on Chromebook. Also, replace iTunesSetup.exe with the name of your file.
sudo apt update Then; WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=/home/your-user-name/.wine32/ wine iTunesSetup.exe
5. You will see the iTunes setup window open. Click ‘Next.’

Install iTunes
6. The next screen will give several installation options. Click ‘Install.’

Install iTunes
7. You might see a pop-up window saying that AutoRun is turned off. Click ‘Yes‘ to enable AutoRun.

Enable AutoRun
The installation process will start.

Install iTunes
8. Once done, click ‘Finish.’

Install Itunes
That’s it! You have successfully installed iTunes on your Chromebook. You can now launch iTunes from the Linux apps in the Applications menu.

Launch iTunes
However, if iTunes doesn’t start and exits with an error “Path not Found,” then read along and see how you can create a shortcut for iTunes on Chromebook.
Create iTunes shortcut on Chromebook
1: Open the file manager and open the Linux Files directory. Click on the three dots at the top-right and select ‘Show hidden files.’

Show hidden files
2. Navigate to the following path:
.local -> share -> applications -> wine -> Program Files ->iTunes->
3. You will see the ‘iTunes.desktop’ file. Right-click on it and open it with a text editor. Add the following statement after the ‘Exec‘ line. Remember to replace ‘your-user-name’ with your actual username, as described above.
env WINEPREFIX="/home/your-user-name/.wine32" wine "/home/your-user-name/.wine32/drive_c/Program Files/iTunes/iTunes.exe"

Create iTunes Shortcut
4. Please save the file (Ctrl + S) and close it. Now go back to your Linux apps and launch iTunes. It should start correctly.

iTunes App
We have successfully installed and configured iTunes on our Google Chromebook. Don’t hesitate to tell us about any arising issues during the installation process. Also, feel free to share any additional information concerning this topic with our readers.
Even after following ALL instructions and checked a few times but it is still saying pathway not found. Please help
i followed everything , i even have the itunes app that i can click on but will not open what should i do?
yes when i click at the icon nothing happens
now… directions on how to either allow sign in to apple id without error message, or simply undo this entire process.. lmao
Yeah, instructions on the apple ID piece would be really helpful.
I can get to the sign in – then a message that it crashed. Any ideas?
I did everything correctly and I still cannot get into the itunes app, I even shut down my computer to see if it would help. Got the app to load but will not open.
NVM figured it out, was able to correct my error and now the app is currently open and working !!
What was the problem you were encountering? I got as far as the last step however when I try to save then open app, it doesn’t do anything.
when i get to the part where I enter my username and file i get the message…. WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=/home/Jessica Yannacone/.wine32/ wine iTunesSetup(1).exe
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `(
change the (1), for some reason it doesn’t allow parentheses
Yea but when I try it it says exeu format error
ugh! I dont know what I’m doing wrong, I cant get this to work.
I foirgot to mention, that I got to the last step, and thats the part im strugling with.
Help! I click on the icon and nothing happens.
I can get to the itunes store, but I can’t sign in to my account. Useless.
having same issue!
The final step to install iTunes did not work.
WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=/home/your-user-name/.wine32/ wine iTunesSetup.exe
the same thing happened to me!!
where it says ur username u have to delete that and put in you computer username
im having problems with the last step plese help!!
I did everything right and when I went to launch the app again , it wouldn’t open for me
same thing for me
did you guys ever figure this out?
you have to open up the “About iTunes” file and agree to it then try launching the app once more and it should run.
im having problems with step 4. it keeps saying command not found please help
Can we update itunes after we’ve downloaded and installed it this way?
when you say “your chromebook username”, what do you mean?
once installed, my iTunes has no internet connection. Any suggestions?
everything worked fine but the app doesnt show up???
Once I installed iTunes and and it mentioned I could “Finish”, I did. However when opening my Linux applications, the iTunes icon didn’t appear, any help?
Hi, really need help please. i got to; sudo apt-get install wine32 but it shows the below;
Reading package lists… Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information… Done
wine32:i386 is already the newest version (4.0-2).
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 16 not upgraded.
i tried doing the next command but shows;
002e:err:msi:ITERATE_Actions Execution halted, action L”LaunchConditions” returned 1603
then it tries to install itunes but says it needs Windows 10.
So I’ve done everything that you said to do. As of right now I am stuck on the
WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=/home/tonibolleurs/.wine32/wine iTunesSetup.exe
Please help!!!
Okay so I started completely over again. and im still stuck on the:
WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=/home/tonibolleurs/.wine32/ wine iTunes.exe
This is what was said to me:
/usr/bin/wine: 40: exec: /usr/lib/wine/wine: Exec format error
Please help!!
Seems that much like everyone else, I made it through to get the wrong path message. I thought creating the shortcut was supposed to fix that. It didn’t, and now I’m stuck. Based on the comments… did anyone get back or response to their query?1
No one got back to me yet.
hows this, I need a notepad editor? I guess my Chromebook didn’t come with one any suggestions??
It lets me get to the sign-in part but never actually signs in. Please help
First things first. I went through the whole process and it didn’t work. It says it can’t find the path. I decided to try again. Maybe I didn’t notice this before but Wine is not installing, it says ” unable to locate wine package”. I’ve tried updating several times and nothing. How do I correct this error? I’m thinking maybe once this is fixed it will be ok. Also when I was looking at the pictures the way things are typed in there is not the same way the written directions are telling you to type them in. That might also cause some issues. For me it wasn’t completing the whole update and once I remover the “-get” it completed everything else. Hopefully, this helps someone else. I went on Twitter and tweeted at Chrome Ready and mentioned this post maybe they will reply. If anyone can find the author on Twitter let me know so I can try and message them as well.
Reading through a lot of these message and i suspect many errors are due to bad characters in the installer name, such as “(” or spaces. This is why many of the instructions mention renaming the installer to something like “itunes.exe”. “itunes(1).exe” will not work.
Your username is also in the prompt before the “@penguin”.
You also need double quotes if there are spaces. For instance, because of “Program Files” you need quotes in the short cut as shown below.
Exec=env WINEPREFIX=”/home/athena/.wine32″ wine “/home/athena/.wine32/drive_c/Program Files/iTunes/iTunes.exe”
I follow all the step and I can’t find iTunes.desktop file
Itunes does not sign me in after I enter in my appleID and password. Any advice what is going on?
So i followed everything exactly how it said and at the end it says “itunes.exe is a DOS application, you need to install DOSBox” what does that mean?
Jesus but this is so complicated,not all of us we have brain to do this.
Why they make this Crom so stupid rubish….
My app is black how do i fix it and I’m not referring to nightmode
You need the older version of iTunes for Windows, the newest version does not work and shows the black screen. I got it to work with the older 32bit version but this is the problem Apple now uses 2-tier verification when a new device logs into the Apple account and the old versions of iTunes doesn’t use this feature. So you can get iTunes to ‘work’ but you can’t access your account or purchased items.
ive followed all instructions and it dose not work it wont let me open the itunes app can anyone help please.
Miraculously, your directions worked! At first, i was completely daunted by the Terminal’s UI, as i have never coded anything in my life before, however, your article relayed a very clear path in which to follow. I want to thank your artice for the precise directions. I was disappointed to learn that iTunes was not readily compatible with my Chromebook, but finding your site was all the hope i needed to get it done. Thank you again.
Hey I did as you said followed the instruction down to the T, even click the link to download the iTunes file, well after I got it installed the iTunes screen is black. I can see a few of the words but that’s about it. Was the link I click the wrong download file. What should I do beside use my regular laptop to access iTunes
So I got it to work, but the entire program is very small, like you can’t even read anything on it, is there a way to increase the screen size?
Problem E: unable to locate package Wine
Now what?
make wine lowercase
Everything is good until I get to the WINEARCH=win32.
It tells me -bash: iTunesSetup.exe command not found. Please help.
for those having trouble i had issues at first but i went thru the entire process again and got itunes installed but now it will not reconize any device i connect(itunes wont reconize that ive connected an idevice) iphone or ipad. any suggestions?